The Corner

Derb and Kerry Sitting in a Tree

If I considered all my colorful e-mails the only people who disagreed with me, I’d be pretty convinced the world is going to pot, too. Unfortunately I don’t think you’re being fair to the fair-minded people — many of them who are (politely and soberly) e-mailing me non-stop now about their frustration at being considered liars by someone they have come to respect and read regularly her on NRO — who saw Kerry’s remarks for what they appeared to us to be.

As I’ve said before — maybe it was a botched joke. It’s plausable. But it was a disasterously botched joke. A sore-loser joke, too, for that matter. But it’s not only people who think you want to move to Massachusetts and marry John Kerry who disagree with you, Derb.

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