The Corner

Desperate: Senate Dem Adopts Republican Platform Planks

Senator Mark Pryor (D., Ark.), in an attempt to win reelection against Representative Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) in a state that Mitt Romney carried in 2012, released an ad associating himself with traditionally Republican priorities. 

“I approve this message because I am working to make Washington smarter and smaller,” Pryor says at the end of a 30-second spot criticizing an Environmental Protection Agency regulation regarding farm dust and telling voters that “Mark supported tax cuts for small business.”

It looks like Pryor’s effort to convince voters he’s a Democrat in name only. Cotton’s camp pointed out Pryor voted for Obamacare and defended the vote in another recent ad. And for all that this new ad touts his opposition to the EPA rule, Pryor voted with Reid to prevent Republicans from being able to offer an amendment against the regulation.

“This is typical Mark Pryor: Talk one way in Arkansas and vote the liberal line in Washington, D.C.,” Cotton spokesman David Ray said in response to the ad. “For the last six years Senator Pryor has sat idly by and rubber stamped President Obama’s liberal agenda. The only things Arkansans have to thank Senator Pryor for are more taxes, more debt, and more expensive health insurance.”

Cotton leads the race 45 to 42, according to the Real Clear Politics average. The most recent Rasmussen poll has him up 47 to 40, while the Democratic-leaning pollster Public Policy Polling has Cotton leading 45 to 39. USA Today, on the other hand, shows Pryor leading by two points.

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