The Corner


Detransitioners Shed Light on Medical Malpractice

(Chinnapong/iStock/Getty Images)

Detransitioners — i.e., those who abandon their transgender identity, often after irreversible medical treatments — are shedding new light on how gender-identity ideology leads to medical malpractice. Not only are harms inflicted on them during transition, but after as well.

One detransitioner shared her experience on TikTok: “When I show up to new doctors’ appointments and I have to explain the condition my body is in and why, if I say it was HRT related to transition, they treat me one way but if I say I was abusing anabolic steroids — which is what that was — they treat me a different way.”

When she mentions that she took the drugs because of a transgender identity she says the doctors “get really weird and say, ‘we don’t know what the side effects are,’ or ‘it’s safe,’ or get really defensive.” Yet when she gives the impression that she was taking testosterone for some other reason, as in bodybuilding, the doctors have no problem stating “what the consequences are . . . They will tell you the things that will do to your body, how that will damage your body, unabashedly, unashamedly. They’ll name it.”

“It’s the same substance.” So why the disparity?

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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