The Corner


Good Third-World-brain-drain piece in Foreign Affairs.

As the populations of the developed countries are aging and coming to require ever more medical attention, they are sucking away local health talent from developing countries.

The Doc-in-a-Box scheme is at the end.

The friend who sent this notes that just as First-World health-care requirements (and ability to bid high for them) will increasingly suck talent away from poor countries, something similar will happen with public health inside the U.S.  As Boomers retire and begin to swamp our health-care system with demands, for which they can bid high, they will suck resources away from the underclass.  (Which my friend, not very politely, refers to as “our own ‘Third World’ populations.”) 

Either that, or we shall beggar ourselves with over-taxation from trying to keep up health-care provision for everyone. 

Which shall it be?  Scott Hodge’s fine piece in America’s Newspaper of Record this morning offers a clue.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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