The Corner


Doctors Lie on Death Certificates

The euthanasia and assisted suicide movements are thoroughly mendacious. How mendacious?  Increasingly, they want doctors who kill or assist patient suicides to lie on death certificates about the cause of death.

That seems to be the way Quebec is going to go as it moves toward legalized euthanasia. From the National Post story:

As Canada inches closer to granting doctors the power to end the lives of consenting patients, medical leaders are grappling with a new dilemma: should deaths by lethal injection be classified “death by natural causes” on death certificates?

Quebec’s College of Physicians is considering recommending doctors list the underlying terminal disease as the cause of death in cases of “medical aid in dying” on public death records— and not euthanasia

Oh Wesley  Quebec is in Canada! That will never happen here in the USA.

It already has. Washington state’s assisted suicide bill was the first jurisdiction of which I am aware requiring doctors to falsify the death certificates of those they assist in suicide.


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