The Corner

Does GDP Trump Gay Marriage?

Joe Scarborough takes this moment to post on the meaning of the elections under the headline “Election Night Preview: GDP Trumps Gay Marriage.”

So I go on record: Does economic collapse trump gay marriage? Yes. Is this an intelligent question? No.

Here’s a better question: Did voting for gay marriage hurt Dede Scozzafava? Yes yes yes (see my last post).

I do not know why economic conservatives would want to deny social conservatives a share in this victory. For once, we were all on the same side, and social conservatives put real money into the campaign. This is a historic first in the beginning of a long and beautiful new relationship, I hope.

Club for Growth was the powerhouse. Susan B. Anthony List, Campaign for Working Families, Citizens United for Life, and others all deserve credit.

But of all the so-called “social conservative” issues, it is gay marriage that was the biggest headache for Dede in NY-23. That’s just a fact. Marriage is not just a social-conservative issue. We have a majority of voters on our side.

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