The Corner

Dog Story, (Cont.)

In response to some kind enquiries, I should report on my court appearance yesterday. This is the case of upright citizen Derb and his lovable pooch vs. loathsome feckless hippie neighbor with huge unrestrained curs. Previous reports are hereherehere, and here.

Well, the adjourned court date (August 4) came round, and there I was at the local county courthouse with all my papers in order. The defendant, however, was a no-show. That one adjournment was all he gets, so the case went ahead in his absence as an “inquest,” which up to that point I had thought was something that happened only after a death. Not that I haven’t thought about it . . . 

I presented the facts and relevant documents to the judge. He asked me a couple of questions, which I answered with appropriate evidences. He then told me that he would deliberate. I would be notified within a week of the results of his deliberations.

People are still telling me that my chances of actually collecting anything are close to zero, but I don’t care. My dog’s honor is at stake. If necessary I shall pursue this uncitizenly miscreant into the jaws of heck.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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