The Corner

Dole V. Dean

Eight years ago (July 31, 1995 issue), Bob Dole made the cover of Time with this copy: “Is Dole Too Old For the Job? The GOP presidential front runner says he’s 72 years young, but the age issue won’t fade away.” Time even polled voters to ask if they thought he was too old.

This week (August 11, 2003 issue), the headline is “The Dean Factor: A feisty ex-Governor from Vermont is setting the pace in the race against Bush. Does Howard Dean’s renegade campaign stand a chance?” Time did not poll voters to ask if Dean stood a chance. The cover didn’t ask: “Is Dean Too Mean for the Job?”

PS: Alert the FTC! In the midst of a Limbaugh ad break today, an ad for Time magazine claiming you should subscribe since it lets you “form your own opinion.” Ridiculous. They also claim it’s a great source of “intelligence.” So why hasn’t Time found the WMDs?

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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