The Corner

Politics & Policy

Trump Team Launches Reelection Ad Touting First 100 Days

Since Election Day, Donald Trump has asserted that he will be president for two terms, confidently predicting victory in 2020. Two months before even stepping foot in the Oval Office, for example, Trump tweeted:

Trump’s reelection campaign officially commenced five hours after his Inaugural Address, when he formally filed his candidacy with the Federal Election Commission. And with Trump’s constant political rallies across the country (this past weekend, for example, he held a rally in Harrisburg, Pa.), it seems that he never left the campaign trail.

But today marks the beginning of a proactive, three-year reelection campaign by his team, which has spent $1.5 million on television ads touting the Trump administration’s accomplishments nationwide.

“America has rarely seen such success,” the narrator boasted of Trump’s first 100 days. “America is winning, and President Trump is making America great again.”

“You wouldn’t know it from watching the news,” the narrator continued, after explaining that Trump made “the biggest tax-cut plan in history,” helped create over 500,000 jobs, nominated (and helped confirm) a “respected Supreme Court justice,” slashed regulations, and implemented policies promoting energy independence.

Evidently, there’s no time like the present.


Austin YackAustin Yack is a William F. Buckley Fellow in Political Journalism at the National Review Institute and a University of California, Santa Barbara alumnus.
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