The Corner

Politics & Policy

Oh, Come On

Sorry for being behind the news cycle with this, but I really want to get it off my chest. Both mainstream-lib media types and conservatives on Twitter are making fun of Donald Trump for saying “Two Corinthians” at Liberty University.

Sorry, but that’s completely ridiculous. I have read Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians at least a couple of hundred times and I regularly call it “Two Corinthians.” I have heard Bible scholars of various types call it that. And, just yesterday, I was saying I found “One Chronicles 1 through 7” incredibly boring. Not “First Chronicles”; “One Chronicles.” You can call it either one, without proving thereby that you’re uneducated. (You can justly accuse me of a lot of things, but ignorance of the Bible is hardly one of them.)

NB. I’m not a Trump backer, and it’s possible that I might never become one. But fair’s fair.

PS. I confess it grates on me a little when someone refers, e.g., to “the Book of Luke” as opposed to “the Gospel of Luke.” Very few scholars would do so; but some of the people I’ve heard do this both a) are generally knowledgeable about the Bible and b) have a high view of Biblical inerrancy.

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