The Corner

Politics & Policy

Don’t Fret Too Much about Crazy Bills from the House

When there’s divided government, everyone knows we can safely ignore bills passed on a party-line vote in one house of Congress. This year it’s a little scarier when the House does nutty things: Democrats control the Senate too, and the presidency.

But two factors at play here should calm conservatives’ nerves. For one thing, the Democrats’ margin in the Senate is just 51–50, including a tiebreaking vote from the vice president; this means moderate Democrats can keep the craziness in check. And two, with the important exception of the huge COVID-19 bill (which is being handled via the “reconciliation” process), most bills can be filibustered in the Senate, which raises the needed threshold to 60 votes.

Politico has a good piece laying out some of the House Democrats’ big priorities and the frustration building up about these bills’ likely fate in the Senate.

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