The Corner

Politics & Policy

Don’t Let Them Think #NeverTrump Is a Bluff!


Those of us who think that the Republican party’s nominating Donald Trump is the worst possible outcome for the conservative movement, the party, and the country have no choice but to pull out all the stops, all the way to Cleveland and perhaps beyond.

Yes, Donald Trump can and probably will win a lot of delegates tomorrow. Yes, a mainstream media that wants to see fundamentally unconservative, immature, bullying, know-nothing Donald Trump as the face of the Republican party, the same media that gives him round-the-clock coverage, will declare it over.

No matter what, we keep standing for the candidates we prefer and the values we hold dear. We stand for what we believe in, even if Trump wins enough delegates to clinch the nomination in the coming months. It matters a lot – to the country, to the reputation of the GOP, and to history — if Donald Trump wins the nomination with 51 percent of the primary votes or with 90 percent of them. If the anti-Trump Republicans call it quits and stop fighting, Trump rolls.

(All votes have to be earned. But if you’re on the fence between Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, and your top priority is stopping Trump, take a look at who’s leading in your state and vote for the candidate in second place, trying to put one of these guys over the top.)

Fight all the way to Cleveland, and if that fails, prepare to walk away from the GOP. The guy who says, “Just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke, okay?” doesn’t stand for us and never will. We’ve looked at what it would take to run a conservative independent bid. (900,000 signatures. Not easy, but doable.) There’s the Libertarian party. There’s the Constitution party.

Don’t let them think #NeverTrump is a bluff.

Donald Trump can send a groveling bootlicker like Chris Christie home, but he can’t send us home.

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