The Corner


Don’t Say the Border Is Open or the Smugglers Will Win 

Central American migrants are escorted out of private land as they are detained by U.S. Border Patrol agents after crossing the Rio Grande River from Mexico in La Joya, Texas, April 27, 2021. (Go Nakamura/Reuters)

Here is KJP with a pretty pure expression of the White House’s line that it is border hawks’ complaining about the open border who are responsible for migrants thinking, erroneously, that they can come to the border and gain entry illegally:

Of course, it is the reality that migrants can come to the border and gain entry illegally that is driving the continued flow, rather than critics’ pointing this out.

This is an eye-popping report from CIS, by the way:

In a “social phenomenon never seen before in the history of the region”, according to one media account, indigenous Miskitos, Tawhkas, Perch, and Garifunas peoples in Honduras began vacating their traditional subsistence lifestyles in December and heading for the American border.

Also in December, U.S.-bound migrants from 40 countries so overwhelmed the small southern Mexican town of San Pedro Tapanatepec in Oaxaca State that it declared bankruptcy and was forced to shutter a massive government shelter on December 17 and expel more than 15,000 immigrants onto a desolate highway with no food or water. All headed north.

In Nicaragua, tens of thousands of young men and women in December began forming lines three-days long to get the passports necessary to exit the country and head for the U.S. border. The Managua scenes indicated a mass exodus so significant that one prominent Nicaraguan economist lamented in a local newspaper that “It breaks the soul to see the children with their backpacks . . . to see how the country bleeds to death. We are losing the best. They are leaving by the thousands.”

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