The Corner

Don’t See Righteous Kill

As I was stuck in the St. Louis airport for about three and a half hours on Saturday, I rented a movie from one of those DVD kiosks (they’re a pretty good deal, btw). I rented Righteous Kill, which I heard was not too great, but I figured how bad could it be? I’ve since learned the answer: Very, very, very, very, very bad. The plot was stupid. The shocking ending obvious. In fact it was so obvious I kept hoping this was all clever misdirection. Nope. It was all plodding direction to exactly the ending I expected, except the audience is supposed to be stunned. You would think Pacino and Deniro would simply refuse to take scripts like this. And, if it seemed good on paper, you’d think they could see how bad it was shaping up and fix it. Nope, nope, nope. Just plain bad.

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