The Corner

Double Blast of Blacky Is Boffo for Beach

We’ve found a couple of small boxes of each of these classic WFB spy thrillers, starring the infamous Blackford Oakes. High Jinx is set in 1954, and an effort to overthrow the Soviet stooge state of Albania is jinxed by a traitor. Finding him is Oakes’ task. Enjoying this great novel is yours. Meanwhile, Stained Glass finds Blacky taking a break from spying to help restore windows at a German cathedral. Fat chance: Enter a knockout KGB bombshell, a German reunification plot, intrigue, betrayal, and, of course, fantastic fiction. Both books are hardcover, and probably the first edition, although we can’t be sure. But they’re in heck of a good condition for being stuck in a basement for a couple of decades. We’re selling them in sets, for $20.00, which includes shipping and handling. They make for great summer beach reading. Or pick your preferred location. Wherever you choose to read them, you can only order them at one place: here.

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