The Corner

Doug Brinkley’s Reaganites

I’ve been fussing in the office this week about “popular historian” Douglas Brinkley trying to wipe off the stain of his Kerry-campaign hack book Tour of Duty (which should have been called “Tour of Corrections”) by doing a book boosting the boys of Pointe Du Hoc, and praising Reagan’s D-Day speech honoring them in 1984. Reagan’s on the cover of U.S. News this week, and Jay Nordlinger put the lie to Brinkley’s centering pose today by quoting this sentence: “Even though Reaganites tried to pretend for political purposes that the Vietnam War was a morally justified crusade, in their heads and hearts they knew better.” Bravo, Jay!

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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