The Corner

A Dovish Faith

So much for the bad news. How about the good news? Well, it seems to me

that the Democrats are in some serious long-term political trouble. It’s

too late for Peter Beinart to restore the Democrats’ “fighting

faith.” Instead of purging, the Democrats are busy purging Joe

Lieberman. I can’t believe anyone thinks that reports of secret sniffing

for nuclear bombs will do anything but help the president.

If she keeps triangulating, it’s not inconceivable that Hillary will be

our next president. But even if she squeaks through (unlikely, I think),

the Democrats as a whole have typed themselves as the party of weakness for

the remaining lifetime of everyone now reading this post. Future terrorism

will inevitably push the country to the right. Demographic pressure on the

welfare state is also likely to put the Republicans in the drivers seat

over the long term. So far at least, Alito looks like he’ll be

confirmed. If that happens, it will have set a political precedent for a

genuinely conservative third nominee, likely before the end of the

president’s term. So while our political-cultural battles aren’t going

away, the dream of a long-term era of Republican dominance is very much alive.

I think this is what’s driving a lot of the ongoing Bush-hatred. In so

many ways, even at the movies and in the news media, the left is seeing its

taken-for-granted cultural dominance challenged. This drives them crazy,

while driving them further left. So we’ll see tougher battles and more

crazy cultural radicalism. But a long-term moderate shift rightward is

remains a real possibility.

Stanley Kurtz is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
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