The Corner


I was one of those people who thought Bush eked out a win

on Thursday night, so what do I know. But I thought this one was a draw, and

that because of that, it was good for the Kerry-Edwards camp. I think their

new meme — that Bush cannot be trusted to be honest and straightforward

about Iraq — is a powerful one, one that more people intuitively feel with

each news cycle. And I think Cheney missed several golden opportunities to

attack Edwards, most noticeably on the “heartbeat away” question, when

Cheney ought to have hammered home the idea that this perilous moment in

world history is no time to have a man as inexperienced as Edwards as veep.

If Cheney had done a Bentsen k.o. of Quayle tonight, I’d be feeling better.

Edwards didn’t win, but he held his own for his team. I still think they

retain almost all of the momentum they got from last week’s Bush-Kerry


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