The Corner

DREAM Act Votes

NRO contacted several senators who are believed to be potential “swing votes” on the DREAM Act to see if they had decided whether to vote for or against the bill, which Sen. Harry Reid (D., Nevada) is hoping to pass during the lame duck session. Here’s a few responses:

Sen. Judd Gregg (R., New Hampshire) does not support the DREAM Act. “Granting legal status should only be done as part of comprehensive reform to ensure that we finally address our broken immigration system,” he said in a statement to NRO.  “Therefore I do not support taking up the DREAM Act at this time and in this manner.”

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R., Utah): “Sen. Hatch believes our top priorities should be fixing our broken economy and porous borders,” said press secretary Antonia Ferrier in a statement.  “Furthermore, Senate Democrats have a track record of shutting off debate and blocking Republicans from offering amendments. That’s not how the American people want Congress to operate and would be a serious concern for Senator Hatch.”  

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R., Texas), who voted for the cloture motion that would have overcome the filibuster blocking the DREAM Act in 2007 (that motion failed, 52 to 44), does not currently support the bill. “Senator Hutchison cannot support the Dream Act legislation in its present form because it is too broad and not limited enough,” e-mails press secretary Courtney Sanders.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R., Alaska) has not yet announced her position, according to her press secretary.

Senators that NRO contacted, but have not yet responded: Sen. Max Baucus (D., Montana),  Sen. Sam Brownback (R., Kansas), Sen. Susan Collins (R., Maine), Sen. Mary Landrieu (D., Louisiana), Sen. Joe Manchin (D., West Virginia), Sen. John McCain (R., Arizona), Sen. Claire McCaskill (D., Missouri), Sen. Mark Pryor (D., Arkansas), Sen. Olympia Snowe (R., Maine), and Sen. Jon Tester (D. Montana).

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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