The Corner

Dull Vinci

Most movie reviewers don’t like The Da Vinci Code. A sampling:

Newsweek: “The Roman Catholic Church can rest easy. Ron Howard and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman struggle mightily to cram as much as possible of Dan Brown’s labyrinthine thriller into a 2-hour-28-minute running time, resulting in a movie both overstuffed and underwhelming.”

Detroit News: “Here’s the gospel on “The Da Vinci Code”: It’s a total snore. It’s so boring it could be called “The Dull Vinci Code.” It’s so dumb it could be called “The Duh Vinci Code.” It’s the worst film ultra-reliable director Ron Howard has ever made. It turns the most likeable actor in America, Tom Hanks, into a stodgy cipher. It makes the most charming actress in Europe, Audrey Tautou, about as appealing as gum surgery. Together they have the chemistry of buttermilk.

Washington Post: “The most controversial thriller of the year turns out to be about as exciting as watching your parents play Sudoku.”

New York Times: “I certainly can’t support any calls for boycotting or protesting this busy, trivial, inoffensive film. Which is not to say I’m recommending you go see it.”

Variety: “An oppressively talky film that isn’t exactly dull, but comes as close to it as one could imagine with such provocative material; result is perhaps the best thing the project’s critics could have hoped for.”

John J. Miller, the national correspondent for National Review and host of its Great Books podcast, is the director of the Dow Journalism Program at Hillsdale College. He is the author of A Gift of Freedom: How the John M. Olin Foundation Changed America.
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