The Corner


In 2017, 83 Dutch Mental Patients Were Euthanized

The Dutch plunge into the euthanasia moral abyss continues to accelerate, with the number of patients killed by doctors exceeding 6,000 in 2017. That’s more than 500 a month, 100 a week, and 15 a day.

Demonstrating the consequences of accepting the premise that eliminating suffering justifies eliminating the sufferer, Dutch psychiatrists killed 83 of their mentally ill patients in 2017 — up from twelve in 2012 and 43 in 2014. That’s one heck of an awful trend line.

It is also worth noting that the Dutch — like the Belgians — sometimes conjoin euthanasia homicides of the mentally ill with voluntary organ harvesting.

Increased conjoining of euthanasia and organ harvesting can be expected soon. The Dutch recently passed a “presumed-consent-to-donate-organs” law — meaning that everyone is an organ donor unless they have explicitly opted out. That will surely include the euthanized.

It is also worth noting that 169 Dutch dementia patients were also lethally injected in 2017 — all but three in earlier stages of their condition. What an abandonment of vulnerable and frightened people.

This is precisely where the U.S. will go too if, as a society, we accept the philosophical premises of assisted suicide and euthanasia.

For those with eyes to see, let them see.

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