The Corner

Energy & Environment

Dutch Town Names ‘Nature’ a Legal Entity with Right to Be Heard in Court

A person holds an inflatable Earth as climate activists protest in Naples, Italy, July 22, 2021. (Guglielmo Mangiapane/Reuters)

The nature-rights movement continues to progress — and to be ignored by those who could oppose it before it gets totally out of hand.

Another small step: A Dutch town in the province of Limburg granted “Nature” the right to be heard in court. From the Dutch News story:

Eijsden-Margraten in Limburg has become the first local council in the Netherlands to declare nature a “legal entity” meaning that its interests can be defended in court.

Councillor Franklin Boon, of local progressive party PRO, proposed the motion which was approved by a majority of councillors last week.

“We are limited to rearguard action on behalf of nature when the decisions have already been made,” he told Trouw, referring to previous council decisions backing  extensions of holiday parks, the use of pesticides, and allowing mountain biking in fragile parts of the countryside.

That will change, Boon says, now that nature can have its “say” in court before the licenses are granted.

Do you see how this will work? Rather than debate proposals and modify them over time, “Nature” will be able to impede them outright.

How will “Nature” express its desires? Through green ideologues:

The rights of nature and wildlife will be voiced by a guardian, which could be a combination of scientists, environmental organisations and perhaps artists, Boon said.

Oh, artists! Good grief.

Humans will be detrimentally affected:

“Nature takes and nature gives. We understand there is a need for housing. But if that is detrimental to nature then it might be combined with the development of nature in a different place,” he said.

So, housing for humans can take a back seat to the supposed rights of nature — as determined by environmental ideologues.

Oh, Wesley, get a grip. Nature rights will never happen! Except, that is, step by step and inch by inch.

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