The Corner

DWS: ‘You’re Darn Right’ We’ll Run on Obamacare

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is doubling down on her guarantee that Democrats will run on Obamacare in the 2014 midterm elections. 

“You’re darn right that our candidates are going to run on the advantage that Obamacare will be,” the DNC chairwoman told CNN on Thursday. “The choice will be very clear.”

The Florida congresswoman argued that Terry McAuliffe’s victory in Virginia’s gubernatorial race last week was evidence that Democrats can run on the health care law and win. In an interview with CNN’s Candy Crowley over the weekend, Wasserman Schultz first indicated that Democrats will not shy away from the issue, despite the problems that have plagued the law in the wake of its rollout last month, in next year’s midterm elections. 

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