The Corner

E-Mail Crisis

I am even further behind on e-mail than usual, owing to my having

thoughtlessly posted back to back columns on two topics people feel strongly

about—Creationism & child-raising. The only way to preserve the integrity

of my e-mail philosophy (which is: read everything except (a) rude e-mails,

and (b) e-mails that extend below the bottom of my screen–which, by the

way, is a 21-inch) is to reduce my response coefficient “R”–the proportion

of e-mails I reply to. R is normally around ten percent–I try to respond

to all (i) questions I know the answer to, when I feel that answer is not

easily available on the web, (ii) polite requests and invitations, (iii)

extravagant flattery. Even some of these are having to fall by the wayside

if I am to have any kind of life, though. R is currently running below 5

percent. I am sorry. Thank you, thank you for writing in.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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