The Corner

Earth Hour in London

The money-no-object Metropolitan Police had helicopters whirring non-stop over Central London during today’s mass hallucination (they’re still overhead as I write), but, as usual, not a lot of competent policing on the ground. As is their wont, they did little to prevent property damage – or the general intimidation of visitors to the capital by so-called “anarchists” (an odd term for pro-government welfare-funded thugs). I saw ski-masked yobs fire a firework into a group of startled shoppers (including young children) who hadn’t expected the coppers to lose control quite so easily. This evening I strolled down Piccadilly, where not just the Ritz but humdrum sandwich chains have had their windows smashed, to Trafalgar Square, where the “anarchists” were cheerfully setting fires, lobbing bottles and desecrating my old pal Boris Johnson’s 2012 Olympic Clock.

Very fittingly, if coincidentally, all this took place just about time the ecochondriacs were supposed to be marking “Earth Hour”. So was this London’s all-time greatest “Earth Hour” or what? Massive disruption of commercial activity (doubtless heartening to the famously anti-consumerist eco-Prince of Wales) and normally glittering storefronts darkened except for the reflected glow of burning garbage. If Earth Hour is indeed a celebration of “ignorance, poverty and backwardness“, then all three made great strides in London today.

The collapse of the Entitlement State is not going to be pretty.

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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