The Corner

Election Time-Out

. . . just to say “Thank you” — thank you! — to all our wonderful NR readers. Our family is blown away by the concern and good wishes, and I’m very grateful for the kind words about this weekend’s column. Compared to many of our fellow New Jerseyans, we feel incredibly fortunate. We sustained a bit of property damage and, like thousands of our friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens, we’ve had to decamp because, after a few days without power, it got too cold to stay in the house — especially for the young-uns. But we’re fine. Many people here in the Garden State (and elsewhere) were ruined, so nobody ought to whine about a little inconvenience. And as I tried to convey in the column, there have been very good, practical lessons to learn about the American spirit and why to be born here is still to win life’s lottery. Anyway, our heartfelt thanks to you all. 

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