The Corner

Elizabeth Warren Argues the Extreme Mandate Position

Earlier this week, Elizabeth Warren, formerly of the Obama administration, contended that current conscience protection efforts like the Blunt bill in the Senate are an “all new attack on health care. Any insurance company could leave anyone without health care, just when they need it most.” 

Not so. The Blunt legislation and its Fortenberry companion in the House would simply restore our religious liberty rights pre-Obamacare. The new attack comes from the Obama administration, on the conscience rights of Americans.

She, of course, is running for the Senate seat Scott Brown currently holds. He is a co-sponsor of the Blunt legislation and defends it today in the Boston Herald. He opens:

Republicans and Democrats don’t come together nearly enough these days, and when we do it’s usually because of something we all recognize as clearly out of line. It takes a really bad idea to reveal our shared convictions on issues bigger than politics. That is the case with the new mandate from the Obama administration requiring religious organizations to offer insurance coverage for practices that go against the teachings of their church, violate the tenets of their faith and step on their constitutional protections. 

Like I said earlier, President Obama sure knows how to inadvertently unite.

Senator Brown continues:

Basically the government is saying, “Just do what you’re told, and leave the moral questions to us.” This runs against religious liberty, the Constitution, the consciences of millions of Americans and the independent spirit of Massachusetts. We don’t take well to imperious commands from Washington, and if we meekly submit to this mandate, you can be sure that a lot more will follow. 

I suspect Warren, who calls the bill “extreme” will not be convinced. And like Martha Coakley before her will continue to take issue with Brown’s defense of conscience, as a soldier of faux “women’s health” spin.

Thank Scott Brown for fighting this fight. And make sure your representatives have heard from you — a word of thanks if they are defending our religious liberty, a word of persuasive insistence if not! 

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