The Corner


Elizabeth Warren Throws Women under the Bus in the Name of LGBTQ Rights

Senator Elizabeth Warren speaks at Keene State College in Keene, N.H., September 25, 2019. (Brian Snyder / Reuters)

National Review’s Zachary Evans reports that “Senator Elizabeth Warren called for placing transgender prisoners in detention facilities designed for the opposite sex in a new LGBTQ rights plan released Thursday.” She describes the decision to segregate prisoners according to their biological sex (their sex established at or before birth) as “dangerous.” Similarly, she has said that taxpayers will fund sex-change surgeries for inmates.

Her announcement of these plans comes ahead of a LGBTQ town hall debate today, hosted by both the Human Rights Campaign and CNN, where we can all look forward to even more policy proposals throwing women and children under the bus.

The Women’s Liberation Front, feminists who believe in the importance of biological sex, gave the following statement to National Review:

We at WoLF are very disappointed to hear that so many of our representatives are coming out in favor of allowing men like Michelle Kosilek, formerly Robert Kosilek, to demand to be house alongside incarcerated, frequently traumatized women. Women in prison are frequently impoverished, single mothers, abuse victims, or are racially marginalized, sometimes all at once. They don’t need an apparently unrepentant wife-strangler sleeping in the next bunk.

These women can’t vote, and they don’t have multi-million-dollar advocacy efforts amplifying their fears about having to share their living quarters and showers with violent men. Our elected officials should not be shoving the government’s failure to make male prisons safe for nonconforming men off onto vulnerable women, whose rights and safety the ACLU and Human Rights Campaign have demanded be sacrificed on the altar of gender identity.

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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