The Corner

Politics & Policy

Euthanasia Virus Spreads to Australia

One hundred years ago, people did often die in agony, and yet there was very little talk about legalizing euthanasia.

Today, suffering can be greatly ameliorated in almost all cases, and yet the cause of “death with dignity” is promoted more energetically than suicide prevention. Indeed, a suicide-prevention nonprofit has even stated that terminally ill people requesting doctor-prescribed death should not receive prevention services — spitting in the face of the hospice approach founded by the great medical humanitarian, Dr. (Dame) Cecily Saunders.

Now Victoria, Australia, is on the verge of legalizing euthanasia (in some cases) and assisted suicide.

Why? Because for many of us, eliminating suffering has become the primary purpose of society. That premise, once widely accepted, quickly metastasizes into eliminating the sufferer.

By the way, Victoria infamously requires all doctors to be complicit in abortion, being forced by law to either do it upon request or procure the abortionist if the doctor has a moral objection.

That tyranny was not included in this bill, as conscience protections were required to gain passage.

But eventually, that will change because the message that killing the sick is wrong communicated by doctors when they refuse to terminate patients eventually becomes intolerable to those mired in the nihilistic values of the culture of death.

On the positive side, New South Wales, a different Australian state, defeated the death agenda a few days ago. Barely.

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