The Corner

Everyone to be Organ Donor in Euthanasia Netherlands

The Netherlands, along with Belgians, permit organ harvesting to be conjoined to voluntary euthanasia.

But now, Netherlands is moving to a system in which everyone is an organ donor unless they specifically opt out. From the Dutch News story:

MPs on Tuesday gave a surprise thumbs up to a motion to establish a ‘yes unless’ system for donor organs in the Netherlands.

If the draft bill goes on to become law, everyone in the Netherlands will be considered a donor unless they specifically request to be taken off the list.

Non voluntary euthanasia is not unheard of in the Netherlands. It even has a name: “Termination without request or consent.” Technically against the law, it is almost never punished.

Now, consider a doctor–who has completely swallowed the euthanasia hemlock point-of-view–looking upon a “suffering” patient, believing his life to be not worth living, and thinking that he has some perfectly good and usable kidneys, liver, and heart available for other patients who could make better use of them.

What could possibly go wrong?

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