The Corner


‘Everything to the Right of LGB’

What is the difference between LGB and the TQ+? This is the question a progressive YouTuber recently asked a self-described LGB activist. She answered: “Anything to the right of the LGB is straight people. . . . Same-sex attraction is one thing. All those other letters are not about same-sex attraction.”

In response, the YouTuber concludes that “the hate crime is coming from inside the house.”

Interestingly, the center-left is beginning to sound like the center-right did ten years ago during the marriage debate. Back then, it was typically those opposed to redefining marriage who framed their argument in terms of sex (i.e., “same-sex marriage”). Whereas those in favor generally emphasized identity (i.e., “gay marriage” or “equal marriage”).

I am reminded of the following meme, shared by Elon Musk. I don’t think it’s exactly right, though. As much as the relative center has moved on account of wokeness, some moderate liberals have also edged slightly rightward, at least in their rhetoric:

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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