The Corner

That Evil Naral Ad

Guest-hosting Hugh Hewitt’s radio show yesterday, I was able to talk over the NARAL attack ad with two of NRO’s finest, Stephen Spruiell, who was marvelously informative (and wonderfully amusing) on the tizzy in the press, and John Podhoretz, who explained why CNN is insanely digging in instead of sanley backing down.

Transcripts of both conversations are now up on the website of Duane Patterson, Hugh’s producer. Here’s Stephen. And here’s John.

On Hugh’s show today, yours truly will be having lovely jabbers with Mark Steyn, James Lileks, and my co-host, Carol Platt Liebau. From 3 to 6 Pacific, listen live.

Peter Robinson — Peter M. Robinson is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution.
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