The Corner

Woke Culture

The Exoneration of Dr. Kenneth Zucker

If you have been following the politicization of youth with gender dysphoria by trans activists, you will no doubt have heard of Dr. Kenneth Zucker.

If you haven’t — you should look him up. Dr. Zucker is a global authority on the condition, who was ousted from his clinic in Toronto after his 40 years of clinical research and practice made him cautious of transition therapies for children.

In an effort to discredit him, a number of malicious and false accusations were made by activists. You can read more about his “show trial” here.

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) who were complicit in Dr. Zucker’s mistreatment, have since apologized and will be making a financial settlement. This is what they said:

In 2015, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) commissioned an external review of the Gender Identity Clinic within the Child, Youth and Family Program. The purpose of the review was to identify best practices and determine how CAMH can best serve children and adolescents with gender dysphoria and their families. The review was not intended to examine Dr. Zucker’s behaviour or specific clinical practices.

The review produced a report that was released publicly on December 15, 2015. Unfortunately, the report contained some errors about Dr. Zucker’s clinical practice and interactions with patients. The report was released publicly without review or comment by Dr. Zucker. Among other errors, the report falsely states that Dr. Zucker called a patient a “hairy little vermin.” That allegation is untrue.

CAMH apologizes without reservation to Dr. Zucker for the flaws in the process that led to errors in the report not being discovered and has entered into a settlement with Dr. Zucker that includes a financial payment to him.

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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