The Corner

Exposing the Planned Parenthood Mythology

Indiana is full of non-Planned Parenthood clinics and primary-care doctors that provide all those basic medical tests Planned Parenthood claims poor women need. As a new series of Live Action phone calls to Planned Parenthood facilities in Indiana make very clear. 



As Live Action points out, Planned Parenthood serves less than one percent of Medicaid patients in Indiana but performs more than half of the abortions in the state.

From Live Action’s press release this morning:

“Indiana has become Ground Zero in the national battle to defund Planned Parenthood, the biggest abortion business in America,” states Live Action President Lila Rose. “As more and more states, most recently Wisconsin and Texas, continue to defund the abortion giant of millions of dollars, Planned Parenthood wants us to believe they are the only game in town when it comes to providing care for Medicaid patients. In reality, their own staff admit that they aren’t the only option for women in need.”

In an official press release, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards claimed that Indiana’s defunding of Planned Parenthood would “take away health care from thousands of women in Indiana.” Last week, Live Action’s undercover investigators called 16 of the 28 Indiana Planned Parenthood clinics posing as women on Medicaid concerned about where they could receive services if Planned Parenthood’s funding was not restored.

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