The Corner

Politics & Policy

Did Facebook Intentionally Block Posts from Conservative Immigration Think Tank?

Via the Washington Examiner:

Facebook temporarily banned users from posting reports by an immigration watchdog analyzing federal statistics that show immigrants in general, and illegal immigrants specifically, are taking a big share of new jobs that come open in America, according to the group producing the reports. . . .

The Center for Immigration Studies, a think tank relied upon by immigration critics, said Monday that the posting of four recent reports on jobs and immigration had been barred by Facebook.

“When a Facebook user attempts to post or message these reports, a message appears stating, ‘Your message could not be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive,’” said the group.

“This was an error and they shouldn’t have any issues sharing the links now,” said a [Facebook] spokesperson. “An error in our system that helps block bad links on Facebook incorrectly marked some URLs as malicious or inappropriate. We’ve resolved the issue and apologize for the inconvenience this caused,” added the spokesperson.

Perhaps it was a mistake, technical glitch, just one of those things. But . . . Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg strongly supports an increase in H-1B visas, which for years have been used by the tech industry to undercut American workers; and his lobbying organization,, advocates “comprehensive immigration reform” that would a) provide a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million illegal aliens in the country, and b) increase legal immigration levels. The Center for Immigration Studies (headed by National Review contributor Mark Krikorian) is among the most prominent opponents of these policies.

But a coincidence, surely.

Ian Tuttle is a doctoral candidate at the Catholic University of America. He is completing a dissertation on T. S. Eliot.
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