The Corner

Fauci: Clipboard Guy Should Have Geared Up for ‘Public Relations Appearances’

In the midst of a full-Ginsburg tour of Sunday talk shows, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the man recently recorded not wearing protective gear while transporting an Ebola patient should have suited up, but only for “public-relations . . . appearances.”

“You’re talking about direct contact with body fluid,” Fauci said during a softball interview with Candy Crowley on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday. “So the risk of that person walking next to him is essentially zero. The perception of people in hazmat here and someone in not [sic] can be misleading. But he should have, just for public-relations . . . appearances.”

Clipboard Guy was shown during the transportation of Ebola patient Amber Vinson and was identified as a “protocol supervisor” after a public outcry. Vinson, who apparently contracted the deadly hemorrhagic fever virus from the late Thomas Eric Duncan, is known to have traveled by commercial airplane after she began manifesting Ebola symptoms and was even advised by an official at the Centers for Disease Control to fly on a plane full of passengers after reporting a fever.

During his friendly chat with Crowley, Fauci made repeated slighting references to the panicky nature of the public and the risk of scaring people — though in fact there has been virtually no evidence of widespread public panic over Ebola, and the American people seem to have been alarmed mostly by constantly shifting official stories about the outbreak and quarantine-breaking by arrogant establishment-media celebrities.

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