The Corner

FEC Complaint Against Hillary

I’ve just received an email about a formal FEC complaint by conservative bloggers against the Clinton campaign. The complaint cites the New York Post report from Oct. 20 on Hsu-linked Hillary donors who allegedly do not exist, or are ineligible to give, or are probably straw donors.

Here is an excerpt from the Post report on the shady donations:

A search of Chinatown donors yesterday by The Post found several bogus addresses and some contributions that raised eyebrows. Shin K. Cheng is listed twice in federal records for giving $1,000 donations to Clinton’s campaign on April 17.

But the address recorded on campaign reports is a clinic for sexually transmitted diseases, hemorrhoids and skin disease.

No one at the address knew of a Shin K. Cheng.

Shin K. Cheng? How about “Ching! Ka-ching!

I think maybe someone had a good laugh fabricating these donors. (Update: Unsurprisingly, I’m not the first to think of this.)

How Clinton-esque. It reminds me of the donation Clinton received in her 2000 Senate race from a now-imprisoned supporter of Hamas and Hezbollah, Abdurahman Alamoudi. No one would have blamed Clinton for taking his money (she later returned it, as did several Republican candidates) except that the campaign’s bookkeepers listed him as an employee of the “American Museum Council.” In fact, he worked for the “American Muslim Council,” a now-defunct organization with some very controversial ties.

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