The Corner


Fifteen Things that Caught My Eye Today (Dec. 17, 2018)

Peace Prize laureate Dr. Denis Mukwege speaks at a news conference in Oslo, Norway, December 11, 2018. (NTB Scanpix/Lise Aserud via Reuters)

1. “Pity weeps and walks away, but compassion stays to suffer.”

2. DJ Jaffe: Being psychotic or delusional is not a “right” to be protected — it is an illness to be treated

3. In defense of Egypt’s Coptic Christians

4. U.S. Makes Great Strides to Help Iraqi Christians, More Remains to Be Done

5. Karol Markowicz in the New York PostSoaring suicides are another sign of our toxic social disconnect

6. NBC: Boys need better access to mental health care. Why aren’t they getting it?

7. Fr. Gerald Murray: A Troubling Year in Review

8. New York’s War on Faith-Based Adoption Providers Is Only Hurting Children

9. Christian Couple Adopts 5 Siblings to Keep Them Together: “We Said ‘Lord, What Can We Do?’”

10. Jeff Greenfield wants to nix Democratic presidential debates in 2019

11. How this classical Catholic school welcomes children with Down syndrome

12. Anthony Esolen: Why Traditional Hymns are Superior to Modern Ones

13: John J. Miller talks to the author of a new book on Elizabeth Ann Seton


14. The power of Polish Christmas carols


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