The Corner


Fifteen Things that Caught My Eye Today (June 20, 2019)

1. Our Marlo Safi at the Coptic Solidarity conference in D.C.

2. A law to prevent future Charlie Gard/Alfie Evans cases in Britain

3. Iraqi envoy to Vatican urges international help for Christians to return home

4. 19 killed by gunmen in Burkina Faso: ‘There’s no Christian anymore in this town’

5. The U.S. State Department highlights people working to combat sex trafficking, including Italian Sister Gabriella Bottani:

. . . in recognition of her dynamic leadership of an extensive international network of Catholic sisters committed to preventing human trafficking and connecting survivors to critical services and her relentless resolve to elevate the importance of combating human trafficking in communities around the world.

More here.

6. The surrogacy bill is not happening in New York this session

Consider writing a note to Gloria Steinem thanking her for opposing it.

7. Salena Zito on pro-life Democrats in the South

8. All about the “Peace Cross” case

9. William Saletan: Abortion Funding Isn’t As Popular As Democrats Think



12. About Christian friendship

13. “She was heard because she loved.” A good talk on Catherine of Siena

14. JD Flynn on the need for saints, one year after the Theodore McCarrick news first broke.


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