The Corner


Fifteen Things that Caught My Eye Today: Orphaned by COVID, Uyghur Women & More (August 3, 2020)



2. Nicaragua Catholic cathedral attacked with firebomb

3. Three NYC child welfare workers still on job, against watchdog recommendations after Bronx baby death

4. Before talking about abortion, it helps to listen to people’s stories

An important reason why our interviewees were willing to talk about a topic that most won’t engage is that we prioritized listening. We came in not as activists or apologists, but as really good listeners. We didn’t hold our breath awaiting the chance to share our own feelings, expose their lack of knowledge, or prove them wrong.

5. Catholic school superintendent: ‘Our kids need to go back to school’

“COVID is not the only dangerous thing in our society. Lack of community, loneliness, and all those kinds of things affect kids. And I think it’s important for our kids to be back in school.”

6. Murad Ismael and Nadine Maenza: Agony of Yazidis extends to sixth anniversary of their genocide                     

Yazidis will not have the chance to consider how to protect themselves from a future genocide. Instead, they will be haunted and reminded by the genocide they still endure. And they should not be the only ones commemorating their tragedy — we all must.

7. We are failing with Covid, let’s not fail with mental health

8. Wall Street Journal: A Toll of Coronavirus in New York Is A New Group of Orphans 




11. Ryan T. Anderson: ‘Transitioning’ Procedures Don’t Help Mental Health, Largest Dataset Shows

The largest dataset on sex-reassignment procedures—both hormonal and surgical—reveals that such procedures do not bring the promised mental health benefits. In fact, in their correction to the original study, the authors point out that on one score—treatment for anxiety disorders—patients who had sex-reassignment surgeries did worse than those who did not. 

12. Sen. Marco Rubio & Jeanne Mancini: Planned Parenthood Must Return Paycheck Protection Program Money to Taxpayers  

Planned Parenthood officials knew they were ineligible to receive PPP loans, given the organization’s roughly 16,000 employees and its organizational structure by which management can unilaterally impose policies and practices upon affiliates. Its political arm effectively admitted it was aware of this, but that didn’t stop them from applying.

13. Coleman Hughes: The nonconformist

On William F. Buckley’s Firing Line, Sowell summed it up in a sentence: “I haven’t been able to find a single country in the world where the policies that are being advocated for blacks in the United States have lifted any people out of poverty.” Maybe American race relations are so unique that all historical and international comparisons are useless. But it’s far more likely that we have something important to learn from patterns that have held true around the world and throughout history.

14. Answered prayers for priest in need of liver transplant 

15. Congratulations to our friend Phil DeVoe and his new bride — they got married in a Church narthex in California this weekend


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