The Corner


Fifteen Things That Caught My Eye Today (Sept. 19, 2019)

1. Why are we looking away from attacks on Jewish men and women in Brooklyn?

2. Dave Mastio on the lack of media coverage of the Ulrich Klopfer horror 

3. In Detroit, grave markers are blessed for victims of abortion — including 14 found in the trunk of an abortionist’s car

4. This is from Texas, but is the case around the country: Crucial need for volunteers to give foster children a voice in the courtroom

5. Here’s a window in Oregon

6. Former foster child went from abuse, neglect to a successful author and speaker. Here’s how she did it.

7. This does pretty much explain much of Twitter

8. Fr. Raymond DeSouza: “Threat of Schism Comes From Germany, Not United States”

9. Philadelphia archbishop Charles J. Chaput: “Personal holiness, fidelity to the Church key in difficult times”

10. Three economic arguments for religious liberty

11. “Why Religious Freedom is a Matter of Biblical Justice”

12. Bob Destro in this position is a good thing



15. Roger Scruton on hobbies (via Terry Teachout)

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