The Corner

Filibuster/Nuclear Option Polling

Sen. Rick Santorum has just sent a memo to Sen. Frist and all Republican senators summarizing results of polling done by the GOP on the issue of judicial filibusters. Here it is, in its entirety:



DATE: MAY 19, 2005


The following points are key findings from a recent New Models survey conducted by the Winston Group, May 16-17.

– As a result of the change in the message environment, the debate focus has become centered upon the concept of an up or down vote.

– We have been able to introduce the individual nominees into the debate and personalize this debate to some extent.

– Our message has begun to penetrate. People are beginning to develop awareness that we are simply seeking a fair judicial confirmation process and that this effort is focused on judicial nominees only.

– The Democrats’ argument that the specific nominees are extremists is not successful. Additionally, Democrats are seen as opposing fair votes, and this positioning is not helpful to them.

– Both messages have some difficulty with the electorate, but the Democrats’ message is received less favorably than the Republican message.

– As a result of this debate, both Senate Republicans and Democrats have seen drops in brand images, but Democrats are losing much more ground than we are.

– Over the last month the brand image of Senate Republicans has gone from 52-39 in April to 49-43 now. We have slipped a bit but still maintain a positive image.

– Democrats have slipped farther, going from 51-40 to 46-45, going from a positive image to a neutral image.

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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