The Corner

Final Thoughts

Bush made few mistakes but he missed a few lines of attack, to be sure.

And it was easier for Kerry since he could blame and attack Bush for everything that anyone is concerned about — the continuing violence in Iraq, North Korea’s bomb building, UBL not being caught.

Jonah’s right that foreign policy was not as strong a suit as it might have been expected to be — for the reason stated above.

Kerry did well — but upon reflection, who will think it credible that Kerry could have bilateral talks with North Korea without China minding, that Kerry could get Chirac to send the Foreign Legion to Iraq to fight “the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time,” etc. etc.?

Hard to believe anyone would say, “Yeah, I’ll bet he can do that. He’s quite a fella!”

One problem for Kerry that I haven’t heard mentioned (and which perhaps should be): The most complex organization he’s ever run is his campaign. And that’s hardly been a model Peter Drucker would write home about.

Kate is right: Why were all the questions about Bush’s record? Why didn’t Lehrer at least ask Kerry if he stil thinks he was correct to vote against the 1990 Gulf War?

Clifford D. MayClifford D. May is an American journalist and editor. He is the president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a conservative policy institute created shortly after the 9/11 attacks, ...
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