The Corner

The Finger

Many thanks to numerous readers of my December Diary who emailed in to

express concern about my finger. Exsanguination has now ceased and

there are no signs of infection, so I assume it is to be nothing but

steady healing from now on.

A different (mostly) cohort of readers was not so much concerned with

inquiring about my finger as in giving me one of theirs. I brought

this on myself with my anti-C.S. Lewis remarks. The most imaginative

of these critics, to whom I hereby award one of my virtual prizes,

bundled up several of my recent themes in a suggestion that I (a) be

executed for my Lewisophobia, (b) by my antique table saw, in the

expectation that I shall (c) be made whole again at the Resurrection.

All together now, Hank Williams fans:

On that Resurrection mornin’

When all dead in Christ shall rise,

I’ll have a new body

(Praise the Lord!)

I’ll have a new life….

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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