The Corner

First H. W.’s Socks, Now RNC Fundraising on Dick Cheney’s Cowboy Hat

Donors to the Republican National Committee looking to add to their collection of signature clothing items of leading Republicans, can now get their hands on (and head under) a Dick Cheney cowboy hat. The fundraising push comes on the heels of the popularity of a similar one involving colorful socks signed by George H. W. Bush earlier this year.

The RNC kicked off its effort this afternoon in an e-mail by Liz Cheney, the daughter of the former vice president, to supporters, saying that contributors of $72 or more will receive the limited-edition hat with an engraved medallion bearing Dick Cheney’s signature.

“People often tell me how much they love my Dad’s cowboy hat — well, I do too,” reads the e-mail. “It symbolizes freedom of the American West, the freedom we all hold dear. So when we thought about the best way we could help the RNC elect our next Republican president, we decided to create something that made a similar statement.”


Here’s Cheney donning his signature headwear with Liz.

The H. W. Bush socks giveaway proved to be a success for the RNC when they launched the effort in April, helping to raise $3 million.

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