The Corner

First Sea Lord Leach

In describing a meeting between Thatcher and Leach, Ian Murray writes about an event subsequent to the meeting between Nott and Thatcher about which I posted below. None of which is to suggest that Leach played anything other than an essential role: Grant, so to speak, to Thatcher’s Lincoln, and Thatcher was mighty lucky that, unlike Lincoln, she already had a reliable man in place when the fighting started. (My principal source on all this is the first volume of Lady Thatcher’s memoirs, which, I confess, I keep in the office, not here at home. I’ll pull the big book down from the bookshelf when I get in later today, though, and, if I’m mistaken, apologize to Ian Murray and all the world.)

Peter Robinson — Peter M. Robinson is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution.
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