The Corner

By the Flames of the Faltine!

From a reader:

Is the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth a reference to Dr. Strange? I cannot EVER remember hearing or reading the word ‘hoary’ unless it was either said by him or in one of his comix.

If it WAS a comic-book reference, you are perhaps the ‘most courageous human being on the face of the earth’, to paraphrase-quote Lionel Hutz, esq.

Have a good day and for pete’s sake, keep up the fine work!

Me: Well, By the Ruby Rings of Raggadorr! and by the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak! of course it’s from Dr. Strange.

Question: Could you introduce a character like Dr. Strange — who dresses like that, talks that way, sports a young Asian man-servant and has a really fabulous mustache — and have anyone believe he wasn’t gay? I mean — By the Mystic Moons of Munnopor! — would anyone even try?

Update: Right. Forgot to mention this, from a reader:


Don’t forget – his Sanctum Sanctorum was located in Greenwich Village.  Make of that what you will.

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