The Corner

Following Farm Bill, Democrats Gnash Teeth, Rend Garments

You cannot outdo the Left for hysterics — although they frequently manage to outdo themselves. Responding to the House’s farm bill, which passed yesterday without including funding for food stamps (the first time since 1973), House Democrats took to the House floor and to Twitter to accuse Republicans of everything from betraying the Bible to starving America’s children. Here is a roundup of the best of the best:

On the House floor

“A vote for this bill is a vote to end nutrition in America.” — Rosa DeLauro (Conn.)

“It’s all about going after Americans who are struggling in poverty. It’s all about denying the working poor the right to food.” — Jim McGovern (Mass.)

“The only thing that this House will do when it votes today is defeat starving children. It will again put starving children in the abyss of the uncaring attitude of my friends who, for the first time in decades, are separating the hardline of the farm bill.” — Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas)

“You are taking food out of the mouths of your own poor constituents,” and “Poverty in America. Poverty. I’m saying the word on the floor of the House — poverty! Poverty! Poverty! Poverty! Poverty in America, seems to be a word that people get nervous about.” — Nancy Pelosi (Calif.)

“The Bible says, to whom much is given, much is required. . . . And this is a sad day in the House of Representatives. Shame on the Republicans! Shame on the House of Representatives! . . . This is a sad day in the House of Representatives, and to separate the farm bill from the elderly, from the children, this is a shame! Mitt Romney was right. You all do not care about the 47 percent!” – Corrine Brown (Fla.)

On Twitter

Ian Tuttle is a doctoral candidate at the Catholic University of America. He is completing a dissertation on T. S. Eliot.
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