The Corner


Fourteen Things that Caught My Eye Today (June 23, 2017)

1. Two brave women write in the New York Times.

2. Christianity Today: Evangelicals Tell Trump: Don’t Deport Christians to Face Genocide in Iraq

Catholic bishops ask the same.

3. Melinda Henneberger on D.C. lobbying for a genocidal regime.

4. Sohrab Ahmari on targeting conscience.

5. Ryan Anderson on a crisis of liberty in the West.

6. Celebrating Alan and Paula Sears.

7. Emma Green on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and cancer research.

8. “Transgender Soldiers with a medical condition, including pregnancy, will be treated the same as any other Soldier with that condition.”

9. The National Post on my friends The Sisters of Life:

“As our culture seeks to exclude God, we are attracted by a radical response to God,” said Sister John Mary.

“It’s very counter-cultural, but there’s a great joy and freedom in the vows that we take in poverty, chastity and obedience. And it’s kind of the opposite of what our culture offers.”

The Sisters of Life is one of the few highly orthodox orders of nuns that are seeing rapid growth in an era when religious life is otherwise declining in North America. Their growth is in part a response to an increasingly secular society as fewer people — especially young people — attend regular religious service or describe themselves as religious.

More on the Sisters of Life here.


14. Find someone who is lonely and visit them.

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Today’s the solemnity of the Sacred Heart in the Catholic Church. On Cardinal Burke and Pope Francis and the Sacred Heart

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