The Corner

Fox Finally Provides the Balance on Global Warming

A few months back, Fox News put out a dreadfully one-sided documentary embracing the alarmist case on global warming.  This Sunday at 10pm it looks like David Asman is going to redress the balance.  Good for him.

Meanwhile, reaction to our ad campaign continues.  In the Post this morning Eileen Claussen of the Pew Center on Global Climate Change says, quite amusingly:

”According to the CEI line of reasoning, you can never have too much of a good thing. Therefore what New England is experiencing is not so much disastrous flooding, but rather an abundance of life-sustaining rainwater.”

Well, if the Pew Center had launched a campaign demonizing dihydrogen monoxide and calling for severe regulations to prevent future rain then perhaps we would be saying exactly that. 

Also note the irony of the previous story in the Post, with Nancy Pelosi suggesting that the Democrats attack Republicans over high gas prices.  It may be good politics, but it’s lousy green-style environmentalism.  Al Gore should upbraid her for suggesting that gasoline use contributes to quality of life.  Perhaps she’d like to play our ads?

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